paul smith Lifewriting (TM) approach to the writing career of more demanding creative output. It is not a story of years of single nurses who coddle and then send it out.But students often protest that they do not come a lot of good ideas of the people, and they generate ideas novels.In my opinion, the basic ideas have no intrinsic in length. Treatment of an idea is inherently length. Civil war is a one-page treatment of the story, the books in the library. It all depends on writer.Let me tell you a story of skills and intentions: When I was in college, I know a woman who wants to become a writer. She told me that she is working on a short story, and I said "great." A few weeks later, I asked her how it was. She said: "This is a bit long - I think this is a novella," "big"! I said.A few months later, I asked her how she novella. "Ah, this is a bit long, I think this is a novel!" "Wow!" I said, although warning Chung Ling back in my mind. After a year or two, I asked her how the novel. "Well, it seems to be turning into a trilogy," she said.Hmm. I made the voice of optimism, and stay in that.A years later, my East Coast trip, the lady know that I will live through the town. My wife and I stop visiting. Just because I have a masochistic streak, I asked how the trilogy going.There be suspended. Then, she said sheepishly, "I got tired of it and put it away, but just a couple of months ago I began work on a new story and it's good! But," she said, because I know that she will, "it seems to be a little long ..." It is sad. My friend met a form of writer's block stealthiest: to write, but can not be completed and submitted. It has the same purpose to an unsafe subconscious: it can prevent you from all the pain rejection.After, this method is so bright and want to appeal, when it enters your mind! Actual rain boots, step on mud, grass drill multiple draft process can be a happy killer.Short story is a perfect means to combat. A short piece of a new employee will use all the same basic tools, a key difference. You write 500,000 word novel in the time it takes, you can write twenty to forty short stories, you will learn much about your process.Also process, because you are a complete story arc through, planning, research, writing drafts, polishing, and submit, you will find your technical and psychological weaknesses lie.And another advantage: If you write a story every week or every other week, you do not have to stick to the desperate idea that it is the only good idea, you never have.But how to generate ideas? Here are some suggestions: 1) to keep a dream diary. At the bedside of a small number or tape recorder for this great work. Just before going to sleep tell yourself, you will simply wake up after a dream and decided nature. Morning, transcribe.2) search the newspaper. Please exercise through various parts of the file, look for odd or interesting story. Imagine, how to fall into in this case people. What story will capture the essence of their lives it? 3) reading, watching movies. Imagine a film grafted to another end of the beginning. When a book falls apart, think of a better ending - write it.4) to create a modern fairy tale favorite older version. Have fun -! Remember, it is only in the next family reunion or gathering practices 5), get the old people talk about their youth days.6) into the playground, watching the kids play. To notify the power game, share, cry, laugh, struggle and victory. Every child, every day, there is a tell.7 story) mine own life. Learning to walk, talk, drive, win, lose. The first time you fight, your first kiss, your first job, you first get fired.There it is not the end of the possibilities. All you need is a belief that your goals and to recognize any personal stories along the way is only a step - not some hot soul win-win or lose-lose proposition.Have fun! paul smith Hero's journey is the